Why Should I See a Chiropractor?
There are two criteria necessary to benefit from chiropractic care. Do you have a spine? Are you alive? If so, you can benefit from chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care is not just for back and neck pain. This focus really only started a few decades Traditional chiropractic care is and has always been a way to improve your overall level of health. In the body, everything is connected to everything. We have approximately 70 trillion cells and all of them get information from and send information to the brain. This information is sent through the nervous system. Any misalignment, irritation or inflammation of or around the spine can have an impact on this flow of information. Over time this will lead to a breakdown in the main communication system in the body and eventually a symptom. The symptom is your body’s way of asking you to get help.

Once the body breaks down to the point of asking for help, there are 3 typical options you have.
- The most common approach is to ignore it. Many people take this approach which usually leads to the problem worsening.
- Treat the symptom.
- Find the source of the problem and correct it.
At Dixon Family Chiropractic, we like to find the source of the problem, determine if we can help and come up with a program of care to assist with your healing. If we don’t feel like we provide the services necessary to help you get better, then we will refer you to the proper health care provider.
These problems are created by the stress we place on ourselves on a daily basis. Many of the stresses we encounter are very minor but endured day in and day out, eventually it takes a toll on the body and it begins to break down.
Some examples of these stresses would include:
sitting at your desk, lying on your couch, riding your bike, smoking, tripping, falling, gardening, playing sports, walking your dog, eating too much sugar, caffeine, shoveling snow, hiking etc.
In other words, life. We are constantly bombarded with stress. Much of what happens to us over the course of a day your body will correct and heal when you are asleep. We are here to give the body a little help so you can achieve your optimum level of health.